Tuition Centre in Cheras 蕉赖~补习中心 (小学)(Primary)
蕉赖走一走。。。 鲜为人知,我为你述!! 你也许不知道的蕉赖事。。。 School new semester starts now!! I have gathered some information on contact no, address, website, environment and etc. about TUITION CENTRE IN CHERAS . I hope that these information is useful for parents who are busying with their work to find a tuition centre that satisfied you, so that kids can get care and catch up with their studies. 开学咯!!本人集合了蕉赖一些小学补习中心的联络方式、地址、网站‘、环境详情等,希望以下资讯能帮助工作繁忙的父母迅速找到合心意的补习中心,以确保孩子得到照顾与赶上学校的进度。 (鼓励家长们亲自上门了解更多相关资讯, 本网纯粹提供资讯,谢绝商业化) (Encourage parents to walk in for more relevant information. My blog is just to provide information, but not to commercialize) Cheras Tuition Centre 蕉赖~补习中心(小学): 1. 新时代安亲补习中心(首都镇) Galaxy Tuition Centre Description: 注重学生求学态度,品行和礼貌的综合素质。小班制,价格适中,环境舒 适,有舞台,安全。FB评语佳。 Small Class S...